Summer 2015

We had a wonderful summer packed full of fun things.

I enjoyed the end of a healthy pregnancy.

Kyle and I finished the paperwork for our up-and-coming adoption.

We grew a garden that was largely neglected due to the fact that I was pregnant, but still managed to produce tomatillos, tomatoes, pumpkins, teeny-tiny onions, potatoes, a bunch of blueberries, one peach,

one apricot, and the biggest blackberries I’ve ever seen.

We planned and planned and didn’t finish putting in a fence.

And most of all we sat back and let William entertain us. Two-year-olds are so very entertaining.

We watched him run his bubble lawnmower (known to him as the “bubble truck”) into the ground. I think he put several hundred miles on that thing before it got sand in it and stopped blowing bubbles properly.

We watched him play with cars. Everyday. All day. Lining cars up here, lining cars up there.

We watched him discover the glory of bounce houses. He now asks us to take him to the bounce house regularly.

We’ve watched him learn to play games, and start to take risks… sometimes leading to injury.

We’ve watched him gravitate towards books. We’ve gone to the library at least once a week, and I think he’s come to the special place where he knows how to treat a library book… at least when Mama’s in the room.

We took him swimming for the first time, and we went swimming at the neighbors a couple of times. Here he is at Libby’s swimming birthday party. He was lovin’ on a cupcake.

We went to the park. Here he is, ready to catch me at the bottom of the slide.

We’ve watched him imitate our every move. Most recently this includes expanding his vocabulary to include “shoot,” “gosh,” and “Holy Cow.” It also includes wearing our shoes, and getting dressed up in a tie just like daddy’s for church.

We’ve potty trained. I was surprised to see what an exciting and joyful experience this can be in the eyes of a child. I guess all children enjoy growing up.


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