2019 & 2020 – A peek into our lives

My intention is to write a synopsis of our year every December, and yet, for the second time in a row, I seem to have skipped a year. Whoops.

2019 and 2020 were pretty chill years for us Barneys. As I look back through my notes and our photos, the thing that sticks out the most is a flurry of new hobbies.

Genevieve took ballet lessons and now tap dance, and she’s LOVED it.

William discovered the wonders of reading, and lives for library days.

Kyle found an interest in axe throwing and fireworks.

And I have worked to improve some skills in stained glass and gardening.

2019 started off pretty pedestrian. We had just moved into our new house and managed to move in enough dirt to actually have a yard, and we eyed it through our windows all spring, waiting for things to dry out enough to place some top soil and begin putting in our sprinklers.

While we waited, I got some good news. I’d been hired to teach for BYU-Idaho Online. My class is Visual Media, which was one of my very favorite classes in college and I was eager to jump in, training in March & April and taking my first section in spring semester.

Of course it was a very wet spring. It took ages, but by July we got to work trenching and figuring out sprinkler diagrams. I can’t say laying sprinkler lines is my favorite project. Oh boy was it a lot of work, and most of that fell upon my shoulders. Who dreamed and schemed each plant and where to put it? Who built the railroad tie stairs? Who ordered 13 dump truck loads of fill and topsoil? Who figured out what all those sprinkler parts were and where to put them? Who tunneled under the sidewalk three times in order to get pipe where it needed to go? Who laid hundreds of feet of landscape fabric and edging? Who kept 40 boxwood shrubs and 17 fruit trees alive through the dead heat of summer without a sprinkling system? Who laid the patio the week before Thanksgiving? THIS GIRL.

But in the end, we transformed from empty void yard to… a yard to truly enjoy!

At the end of the summer I got my first, ever stained glass commission. I also began preparing a bunch of glass for a craft fair, sharing a booth with two other lovely ladies including one of my sisters-in-law. My glass was a flop, but the show was really fun.

It was also that fall that we found out we’d be having baby #3. We had been hoping for another baby for nearly 3 years, and I guess I went from being prepared for it to being okay if it didn’t ever happen, and at that point I started feeling unprepared again. Pregnancy hit me like a truck. I’d heard lots of women say that it’s easier to be pregnant in your 20’s than in your 30’s, but I didn’t expect three years to make SO MUCH DIFFERENCE. Holy Moley. I was sick and I was tired.

And the sickness didn’t end there. We got the flu in October, and then on Christmas day William ran a temperature of 104 degrees. Luckily, he got through it really quickly. But once it got to me it hit me HARD. It was the worst flu I’ve ever had. And that, my friends, lauded in the new year.

Oh 2020.

Baby Enoch was due in the middle of June, but I’d always felt he would be early. My goal was to make it to the proper birth month at least.

We didn’t make it.

Luckily, Enoch is a trooper. He ate like a champ (which is a big issue for many premies.) He was a little jaundice… and given the choice between eating and breathing, he sometimes chose eating… But he learned better by the time we brought him home from the NICU. He came off the oxygen a month after we brought him home… right around his due date as it happens.

NICUs are not the best place to live during a pandemic, but it did make for a memorable adventure.

So it’s been a very medically-themed two years!

As I’ve gone over everything for this blog update, I have been thinking about how many of God’s miracles for us have to do with timing. The Red Sea parted with enough time for Israel to cross, Joseph of Egypt found himself in jail alongside two of pharaoh’s servants… and so forth. I’ve been thinking about how 2020 had lots of tense moments, but that miracles come out of those tense moments. For instance, Enoch came early, but he also came the weekend following William’s last week of school. I couldn’t have gotten him through the rest of first grade if Enoch had been any earlier. My parents got CoVid, but that meant they weren’t so nervous about planning my sister’s wedding (which is happening this week.) And somehow, in the midst of the most intense pandemic in about 100 years, two of my siblings have met someone and fallen in love. :]

A few other good things of note: My brother Josh and his wife also had a baby. They were due two weeks before Enoch and came two weeks after him.

Also, Kyle liked working from home so much he started applying for a more permanently remote position. He started his new job recently and has been happy with the change.

Kyle and I decide to use our pandemic garden to try growing cut flowers and it was one of the most enjoyable decisions we made this year.

All in all, it’s been a memorable adventure, and hardly all bad.

p.s. Genevieve and William have been in a hilarious age as they improve their verbal skills. For those of you who made it all the way to the end of this post, here are a couple gems to make your day extra merry and bright.

Genna: “I have a bunch of friends who live in a junk pile. They rode a rocket into outer space.”

Ashley: “I think you’re making things up in your brainy-brain.”

William: “Yeah. Like friends,”

Genna: “Here’s first position!” *demonstrates*

“Here’s second position” *demonstrates*

“…and here’s how you reach a new level in Mario.” *squats*

William listing the things you need to sustain life: “Water, air, gravity…”

Genna interjects: “salsa…”

Genna: “When Jesus comes again I want to wear this dress and these shoes. It will be in, like, 100 years, so I’ll be ten.”

Kyle: “When Jesus died he asked John to take care of his Mom for him.”

William: “Was John a good fighter?”

Genna: I can’t wait to be in the first grade.”

William: “First you get to be in kindergarten, and that’s when you have the most amazing life.”

William: “Me and the new neighbor boy are really special, you know why?

Ashley: “Why?”

William: “Because WE made the mud of the CENTURY! It was easy! We took regular mud and put rocks in it to make it stronger.

2015 in Review

Merry Christmas and Happy new year everyone! We had a wonderful year as a family. We kicked it off by welcoming home Jacob Killpack from his mission!



Kyle and I each started off with some good, solid goals, which always keeps things interesting.

We wanted to get into better shape. Kyle tackled this issue by joining a HaiDong GumDo class to learn Korean sword fighting. He stayed with it for 7 months and advanced quickly and passed his brown belt test. He likely would have kept at it, but in February we found out we were pregnant. His class was down in Midvale, so he decided to move on for the time being and use the commute time in other ways. Pregnancy also interfered with my exercise goals. I started out the year running and rollerblading. I really enjoyed rollerblading, and William loved being pushed so fast in the stroller, but the bigger I got the more dangerous it became. I switched to walking, and I think I likely logged several hundred miles walking around our beautiful little city. My friend Aundrea Carlson joined me a couple times a week, and we had a great time. Now Aundrea is looking forward to a new edition in her family, so we’ll likely be walking regularly in 2016 as well. Maybe I’ll actually keep track of my miles this time around.


We also started out the year pushing through the paperwork for our adoption. The picture above is Kyle grinning as we finally put everything in an envelope to send to our agency. We decided to adopt in the fall of 2014, but we didn’t really dig in until Christmas time and it took us a loooooong time to get the paperwork done. Part of that is because we’ve both moved around so much. We were required to get background checks and child abuse checks in every country and state that we’ve ever lived in and every city that we’ve lived in over the last five years. We even had to get a notarized affidavit saying that our 2-year-old son is not a sex offender. We needed letters from all of our doctors, from both our employers, and letters of recommendation from friends and family. We had to take pictures of our house, all around the outside and in almost every room inside. (Imagine how much cleaning and gardening we’re talking about here.) It took forever.



In the end we had 70 pages of signed, notarized, and apostilled documents. By October they were translated and sent over to Eastern Europe. Now we are just waiting for a match. We’re hoping to get our baby home by the end of this year, but it’s impossible to tell how that will go. It could be anywhere from 6 to 36 months. We’ve got our fingers crossed! Pray for us and our baby!

We grew a little garden again, but this year we were able to put it in our back yard. We didn’t get as much from it this year as we did last year, but since I was 9 months pregnant for canning season, and enormous for most of the growing season we thought it might be wise to cut back.


Our first crop of blackberries were HUGE.


Our blueberry bushes grew enough for me to make several batches of homemade muffins. I’ve got my fingers crossed for even more next year.


Our peach tree grew it’s first peach, and it was delicious.


The apricot tree bloomed too early and the buds froze. We still have plenty of apricots and jam from last year, though, so I was kinda happy about it.


In the springtime we got to see Jens, Joe, and Jacob launch some rockets. They built the rockets, the launch, and the ignition box and then wrote a program to run it, all over spring break.


They even 3D printed the ignition switch box. It was pretty fun to watch.


We took William to the zoo with Great-Grandma Brandt.


He really enjoyed himself.

We were actually home for the Fourth of July this year.


My parents came down from Logan and watched the parade with us from our lawn.


We took Kyle’s family with us to Grandma Gee’s cabin for the 24th of July and hiked Intermittent Springs.


This is not a flattering picture of me, but cut me some slack. I just hiked up a mountain, 7-months pregnant.




We started potty training William after that trip. This is a picture of him with his brand-new, Lightening McQueen Underwear.


Soon after that the baby was born! Honestly we didn’t do much but potty training until she came, haha.





And soon after that, Beka left on her mission!


We had the baby’s blessing the beginning of November. The weather was absolutely beautiful, and it was so fun to have our families over for the occasion.


I hand-quilted a wholecloth blanket for the baby’s blessing, and I finished it at midnight the night before, haha. Goal accomplished!


Winter finally arrived and it came with a bang. All in all a pretty awesome year.



The Christkindlmarkt

We took the kids to the Christkindlmarkt at “This is the Place” monument. It was a lot of fun for everybody.


William got to ride a pony. He didn’t seem to be scared of it at all, and he kept his seat all by himself most of the time. Must be all that Idaho blood.



He also got to visit a petting zoo.




We were able to see the parade while we visited.IMG_1914



I think everybody’s favorite booth was the Clock shop. The candied Almonds weren’t bad either :] All in all, a great success.



Winter Wonderland

We made it out Christmas tree hunting.






Here is our tree in it’s natural habitat:


Papa and William sat on a log to watch daddy chop the tree down.



Here is Kyle lugging the tree to our car. He always looks so handsome when we’re Christmas tree hunting.


Here is Papa, Lauren, and Chance coming back with their tree.


William wasn’t super excited about the cold. He kind of broke down and bawled the whole time we were lugging the tree out of the forest.

Luckily, this year we actually made it home with our tree.


We could only use the top part of the tree (it was too tall) so I used some of the extra branches to decorate elsewhere in the house.




I just love how a Christmas-y house feels. So happy and bright. William got a huge kick out of the Christmas lights. He learned how to turn them on and off, and I pretty much never had to touch the switch. He was also mezmorized the 15 inches of snow we got in time for Christmas.


Brussels Sprouts from heaven


1/2 pound sliced bacon

1-2 pounds brussels sprouts

2 tablespoons olive oil


2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

2 Tablespoons apple sauce / apple juice


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

2. Cook the bacon in a skillet over high heat until crispy, about 8 minutes. Drizzle Brussels sprouts with the oil and a pinch of salt, and toss evenly. Roast about 20 minutes until crispy.

3. In the meantime: Whisk together the shallots, bacon, 2 T apple juice or Apple sauce, and the 2 T of lemon juice.

4. Once the brussels sprouts are out of the oven, toss with the dressing and serve hot.



My $1,500 kitchen remodel (part 2)

The day has finally come! The backsplash is up, and all is good with the world.

We owe a lot of the accolades on this project to my mother-in-law and father-in-law, since they called and asked if we had a project they could come down and help us with. (I know! Who won the in-law lottery? Oh, me.)

I’d never laid tile before, and I was a little hesitant about kicking off the project.

The start!

I laid out the tile in a pattern on the counter (herringbone. Ambitious, I know.) Kyle and his dad cut the tiles for the pattern, and Kyle’s mom helped me put down thin set, and place the tiles, until the baby woke up, then she was kind enough to babysit and run errands when we discovered we were out of things, like dinner, and lunch.

First batch of tile up!

The award for most amazing bit of tile work goes to Todd, who cut the tile to go around the molding on our kitchen sink window. Blew my mind.

Check out the tile cuts around the molding! Beautiful, no?

It took me almost a week after they left to grout the tiles, but I’m pretty sure we have the neighborhood’s most loved backsplash.


oooooo. ahhhhhh.

We still have a ways to go, but its certainly coming along!





In total we spent about 90 dollars on tile, and about 50 dollars on everything else. To see more information about our previous kitchen updates, check out part 1.

Vote for Baby William

We’ve entered a picture of William into the local radio station’s Cute Kid Christmas photo contest. We’re in tenth place this morning and we have one week to reach first! Spread some Christmas love and help our holiday wish come true! You can vote every day until next Thursday at this link: http://bit.ly/1dqgre5 Merry Christmas!
