My $1,500 kitchen remodel (part 2)

The day has finally come! The backsplash is up, and all is good with the world.

We owe a lot of the accolades on this project to my mother-in-law and father-in-law, since they called and asked if we had a project they could come down and help us with. (I know! Who won the in-law lottery? Oh, me.)

I’d never laid tile before, and I was a little hesitant about kicking off the project.

The start!

I laid out the tile in a pattern on the counter (herringbone. Ambitious, I know.) Kyle and his dad cut the tiles for the pattern, and Kyle’s mom helped me put down thin set, and place the tiles, until the baby woke up, then she was kind enough to babysit and run errands when we discovered we were out of things, like dinner, and lunch.

First batch of tile up!

The award for most amazing bit of tile work goes to Todd, who cut the tile to go around the molding on our kitchen sink window. Blew my mind.

Check out the tile cuts around the molding! Beautiful, no?

It took me almost a week after they left to grout the tiles, but I’m pretty sure we have the neighborhood’s most loved backsplash.


oooooo. ahhhhhh.

We still have a ways to go, but its certainly coming along!





In total we spent about 90 dollars on tile, and about 50 dollars on everything else. To see more information about our previous kitchen updates, check out part 1.

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